He is now learning strokes for frog style and am looking forward to the day when he can swim on his own :)
The 3 boys that drove the poor instructor MAD :P
Needless to say... must be negotiating for dunno what again!
The 'good boy' moments...
Ashlyn is 2 months old today and growing extremely well! Seems to be getting longer by the weeks! Haha... another tall girl in the making? It still amuse us how their not-so-tall parents can produce such lenghty children!
My little girl hate being restrained... dun like being in the car seat nor the stroller! Even in the sling, her head, hands and legs have to be dangling outside! Well, too bad though, your parents are not those who let you have your own way... Car seat is for your SAFETY so like it or not, you HAVE to be inside :P
And by the way, she is really a 名副其实 ice princess! Hardly see her smile at all :( Was I a grumpy monster when pregnant with her? I hope not!
This week will be the last week of my maternity leave. Sigh... just when I am getting the hang of looking after her, its time for me to go back office.
Ashlyn in the playgym that used to be Kaeden's...
Love to see her cry... Heehee since you dun like to smile at me... shall leave u to cry! Naughty Mummy!
Oops... she understand wor, no point tehing to Mummy. Today its Monday, Daddy not at home, try tonight la hor :P
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