Whether be it hungry, hot, poo, diaper wet etc, his only way of communicating to us is CRY. The best we could do was to try out everything we can think of and whichever method that can calm him down will be the source of irritation to him.
Being the quick-tempered one as always, i was practically in a bad mood most of the time. I think Kaeden prefers Daddy's calmness thus Walker always seem to be able to sooth his cries better than i do. . Heehee, what a bad Mummy i am!
Daddy's secret weapons:
1) Deafness (immunity to loud cry)
2) Slow reaction (by the time the crying gets to his nerves.... he is back in bed!!)
3) Fast hand fast leg (situation is controlled with speed & accuracy)
4) Creative (imagine the cry meaning, 98.45% accurate diagnosis.)

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