Hi all, my name is Kaeden Cheng Kai Yi and i am proud to announce that i have safely arrived on Planet Earth on 1st May 2006. Daddy and Mummy said that i really know how to chose the date and time as today is a Public Holiday and all the Docters are supposed to be at home sleeping... Well, that just too bad, this kind of thing, i couldn't help it also
mah! Dr Terence Tan, who is the pediatrician in charge of me, say that i am suffering from pneumonia, which is commonly known as lung infection, thus have to be on antibiotic medication for a week. As the nursery does not have the facilities for the drip, i have to be move to the NICU instead.

Actually, it makes no difference where i sleep but Mummy was feeling rather sad as she couldn't get out from the bed and visit me whereas i can't come out from the NICU because of the drip. Anyway, this helps to make Mummy more motivated to get well faster as the very next morning, she is here!