We have confirmed that our baby number 2 is indeed a princess!
Yesterday’s detailed scan took quite a while as Dr Ho had to check for baby’s essential organs as well as her growth. Thanks God that everything is good!
We managed to see baby opening & closing her mouth! Heehee she must be trying to tell Daddy that she is craving for Anderson’s Ice-Cream Fondue…
We have finally settled for Ashlyn Cheng Ying En (钟颖恩) as our princess’s name which signify God's gift to us, a dream come true...
Come to think of it, I am only left with about 17 weeks to prepare for Ashlyn’s arrival. I better get started on it while I can since this pregnancy seems to tire me out more than the 1st. So so excited!
(I have put on about 7kg since the start of my pregnancy! Oh gosh… I am weighing at a scary 71.7kg NOW… so sad…)
Mummy couldn't believe that children like me who need a ticket to travel on our public transport has to pay adult fare as we do not have a student card yet... so off she went enquiring at the ticket office and got me my very own Ezlink card!
I have been talking non stop about this movie eversince I first saw the introduction some weeks back. It finally started screening on 8 July and we managed to make booking for it!
A very nice and meaningful show about how the life of the world's greatest villain, Mr Gru, changes from the day he encounters the immense will of three little orphaned girls who look at him and see something that no one else has ever seen: a potential Dad.