Today is an important day for me as it will be my first time ‘meeting’ my little sibling!

Mummy will be going to TMC for an OSCAR scan, commonly known as One-stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk for Fetal Anomalies and I will have a chance to meet baby on the screen!
Waiting patiently for Mummy’s turn…

Mummy’s input:
Kaeden was so surprised to see that baby can actually move inside my tummy. We managed to see baby’s face, nose, mouth, hands and legs. Even saw baby trying to stretch and turned inside my tummy! Was really a wonderful bonding experience for all of us :) Walker and Kaeden left for the toilet first while I stayed back for the blood test… The moment Kaeden saw me, he asked: “Mummy, where is baby?” I believe Kaeden will make an excellent brother and I know he is as excited about this new family member as all of us are!
And then the FUN began…
Firstly, we headed out to Marina Square for some shopping and to catch the 3D movie - Shrek, Forever After…

… followed by a drive all the way to Downtown East for the Kids Mini-Bowl!

We ended our day with dinner @ New York New York… How I wish everyday of the school holidays were this exciting :P