I brought Kaeden down to Kinderclinic and was disappointed to know that Dr Tan was not accepting any walk- in for the day as he was rushing off to catch a flight in the evening... we decided to see Dr Lim instead...
However, upon knowing that Kaeden was running a high fever, Dr Tan insisted on checking on us himself... for that, i am really thankful to him :)
It was really a shock for us as Kaeden turned purple suddenly and was shivering non-stop. He had to be warded immediately. Dr Tan suspected that it could be intestinal infection and as there were alot of hard stools in his tummy, first step was to completely clear all his bowels.
After that everything seemed to flash past quickly...
Dr Tan rushed down to adminstered the IV for Kaeden...
Medicine inserted to clear his bowel...
Poo-ed super stinko, slimey muddy looking stools for 30+ times since the insertion...
And then after what seemed like forever... we are finally given the all clear to go home!