03 April 2010
Mummy loves the weather in Genting! Cool but not cold... suitable for all outdoor activities! The farms that we visited while we were there... a totally awesome experience!
Breakfast was at the World Club lounge. Food was so so only but at least we were away from the crowds...
We made our way to the Genting Skyway Terminal for the cable car ride to the farms
(obviously with some help from me lor *

Strawberry Farm 
and off we went to pick some red, juicy strawberries!

Daddy demonstrating on how to pick the strawberries - by cutting them gently from the stem...

Trying out on my own...

A basket full of strawberries!

Savouring the fruit of my labour... yummy strawberries milkshake!

Some of the farms that we visited -
Mushroom Farm and
Organic Beanspourt Farm 

and then its time to say Good-Bye...