Daddy & I had signed up for this year Cold Storage Kids Run @ the Padang… It’s the biggest kid’s race of the year and the both of us were so excited over it…
Waiting at the holding area for our “Blue Sky Chase” to start…
Our faithful supporter, Mummy, standing right at the side waving at us…
Yeah! I am proud to have completed the 700m fun race and my very own medal… “I am a winner” indeed!
Kaeden & Milo were both seated on the floor while I was behind them staring at my lappy...
Kaeden: Mummy... Mummy: Yes... Kaeden Kaeden: I shared my biscuit with Milo... Mummy: That is very kind of you... Did Milo say thank you to you? (brainless question!) Kaeden: Yesssss... got... Mummy: (shocked) Oh... how? Kaeden: He wagged his tail to say thank you...
It’s a beautiful day for pony riding… or so we hope… until we were told that it’s cancelled. A little disappointed but well… there’s always another time.
We had our breakfast at Picotin, a family-style European Bistro… Food was excellent, especially the sausages and homemade jam… yummy!