Monday, September 8, 2008

First day of school & two panicky parents...

I was tossing & turning the whole night worrying about my baby first day of school. Finally its 6.30am... time to wakie!

Baby woke up bright and cheery, all ready for the new adventure ahead... Still, i reiterate like a jammed player about how fun and exciting school gonna be...

Haha... Mum was waiting even more anxiously than us at the bus stop!

Bus uncle came at abt 7.40am. Kaeden didn’t fuss at all when auntie carried him up the bus but he looked worried when he realised Daddy, Mummy and Grandma were not going to follow him. Before, we had a chance to regret, the bus left!

Suddenly stupid thoughts started popping in my head... Is that the right school bus? The uncle gonna send our son to school right? Not some kidnapper right? We hurriedly got into the car and rushed to school!

Waited like two suspicious character outside the school gate since 7.50am! Our neck stretched out as far as we could go the moment we saw any vechicle that looks like THE BUS...

And yes... Uncle Loy arrived at 8.37am... poor us! Happy to know that Kaeden enjoyed the bus ride and didn’t cry at all! *PROUD*

It was assembly for prayers first before going to class... Heard Kaeden crying, think he got scare by the huge crowd. He ran towards us the moment he was out from the hall and held on tightly to me.

I followed him to class and he settled down shortly... Heehee i sneaked out halfway from class for breakfast and only went to pick him up @ 11.30am. He seemed to be doing well when i peeped through the door before class end...

He was so happy to see us and refused to follow Uncle Loy to the school bus... We brought him home ourselves as we didn’t want to stress him up on the first day...

Tomorrow i will be sending him to school on my own... i pray hard that i wouldn't show Kaeden a weak Mummy... I want him to be able to depend on me for strength when he needed my presence...


By the way… today is also my birthday! We had a mini celebration after Kaeden woke up from his nap…

Thanks dear for the flowers and sumptuous dinner! Enjoy your night shift :P

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