Saturday, September 27, 2008

26-27 September 2008

No pictures taken because Daddy & Mummy became 90% zombie after many sleepless nights! Kaeden was flipping all over the bed the entire night and the both of us were kept busy trying to ensure the tubings were not affected.


He hasn't been easy to everyone at all... Each nebuliser and temperature taking session was a battle with him! So many times he got so frustrated that he started inflicting pain on himself. He slammed his feet against the metal bedrail, pulling his hairs and peeling the skin off his thumbs till they started to bleed... Its really heart wrenching to see the sufferings he was going through and yet none of them we could suffer on his behalf...

Some people we would like to thank (not in any particular order) during this tough period for our family…

Mum-in-law, Mum and Aunty – for coming over to help so that I can take a breather when hubby needs to be back at the office.

Celeste & Amy – for dropping by to offer moral support and a listening ear.

Amy, Anna, Ivy, Karen & Ah Ting – for the concerns and the thoughtful gift that kept Kaeden entertain.

Huizhen, Judy & Zoey – for the encouraging messages that kept us going.

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