Monday, September 29, 2008

Road to Recovery...

Yippee! I am finally going home after my 4 days stay at Mount Alvernia.

My folks brought me to Swensen for dinner hoping to entice me to eat something. Being solely on liquid diet for the past 2 weeks had made me lost so much baby fats!

I took my first bite of solid food – ¼ piece of Grilled Teriyaki Chicken and even finished ¾ of the double scoop ice-cream that Mummy ordered!

It’s a really a good start for us!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


24 September 2008

Kaeden woke up looking fresher than he was days ago. I felt so happy seeing his progress!

As we were getting ready for breakfast, i caught a glimpse of baby's hand looking weird... it sort of turned purple. Got worried so went over to have a closer look... his side of the hand with the IV attached was swollen!

After removing the IV drip...

I almost fainted when the nurses informed me that they will re-administer the IV on his left hand instead! It’s embarrassing but I just couldn't hold back my tears... Called Hubby and started screaming at him for his absence, he rushed back immediately for us which made me felt guilty for being so useless.
25 September 2008

Hubby took urgent leave for today... Heehee think he scare I buay zai after yesterday's incident.

A grumpy Kaeden...

Brought him out for a walk along the corridor, sort of cheer him up alittle...

Baby's alternative source of food apart from his daily milk intake - Chrysanthemum Tea.

Brainless parents letting him wear such a snug fitting pj! We couldn't remove the sleeve from the arm with the IV attached! Haha so no choice, we gotta cut it open...

Got a surprise gift from Amy, Anna, Ivy, Karen & Ah Ting in the evening... That really cheers us up especially Kaeden! At least it took his mind off from attacking the drip!

26-27 September 2008

No pictures taken because Daddy & Mummy became 90% zombie after many sleepless nights! Kaeden was flipping all over the bed the entire night and the both of us were kept busy trying to ensure the tubings were not affected.


He hasn't been easy to everyone at all... Each nebuliser and temperature taking session was a battle with him! So many times he got so frustrated that he started inflicting pain on himself. He slammed his feet against the metal bedrail, pulling his hairs and peeling the skin off his thumbs till they started to bleed... Its really heart wrenching to see the sufferings he was going through and yet none of them we could suffer on his behalf...

Some people we would like to thank (not in any particular order) during this tough period for our family…

Mum-in-law, Mum and Aunty – for coming over to help so that I can take a breather when hubby needs to be back at the office.

Celeste & Amy – for dropping by to offer moral support and a listening ear.

Amy, Anna, Ivy, Karen & Ah Ting – for the concerns and the thoughtful gift that kept Kaeden entertain.

Huizhen, Judy & Zoey – for the encouraging messages that kept us going.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby warded in Mt Alvernia (23 September 08)

Its Day 5 of antibiotics and Kaeden's fever don't seems to subside at all. There is no sign of improvement in his condition as well. Hubby called the clinic to enquire and it was Dr Lee that returned our call. According to her, we should wait another few more days before concluding the results however I was insistent to make another trip down to see Dr Terence Tan.Dr Tan diagnosed that Kaeden is down with Bronchitis and Herpes Stomatitis, commonly known as viral infection of the mouth. He arranged for baby to be admitted immediately.

My poor baby was screaming at the top of his lungs while Dr Tan was administering the IV for him. It really break my heart to see him suffering so much but am comforted to know that its actually painless for him.

Sigh... baby wasn't too happy with his newfound friends and even attempted to pull it off. Hubby was really sweet to request a one-bedder so that he could stay in with us. It was a tiring night trying to comfort him :( and I don't think I am capable of doing it alone... Thank you for always putting our interest at heart. I will arrange to get all our medical policies covered under private hospital once this is over.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Two tries to get the 3rd one right

We have ran out of cooling plaster at home so...

Daddy bought this...

(Mummy suan him for being illiterate, the plaster is for adults!)

and Mummy bought this... (for newborn baby!)

(She self proclaimed as the stupid one before Daddy has the chance to open his mouth)

Finally the correct one...

Haha our house is full of cooling plaster now!

Kaeden sick liao

The past week had indeed been a busy one...

Kaeden had been down with flu and cough on Sunday. Although nothing too serious, we decided to bring him to the PD on Monday just in case. Kept him away from school for a week too so that he can recover fully.

The medicine he came back with:

Luckily for something called APPLE JUICE, we managed to feed him his medicine without much problem.

Then on Thursday night, Mr Fever decided to visit Kaeden... sigh... I took him to the PD again on Friday when he complained on pain in the mouth and refused to eat anything.

Temperature was 40.1; suppositories were inserted to bring down his fever. Dr Lim attended to him immediately and found small/big/different size ulcers on Kaeden's tongue!!! Luckily a blood test confirmed that it’s not HFMD.

New medicine given...

It was a tough night with Kaeden being ultra cranky. As much as we wanted to help him get better but on the other hand, he is not cooperating at all. No matter what type of beverages we add the medicine into, he simply refuse to drink. Feeding him directly was not an option as he either spit out every single drop that went into his mouth or puked out every thing in his tummy. In just 1 feed, we finished 3/4 of the antibiotic :( Both of us felt so helpless seeing our dear boy sick yet nothing can be done to ease his pain.

Kaeden's food for the past few days and next...

Our baby finally asleep after much struggling...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Random pictures

Kaeden & Mummy sharing a bowl of soya bean...


Armpit itchy, asking Daddy to help me scratch.

Still itchy wor...


Sumptuous dinner... forever indulging in food!


My folks were very impressed that I related the circular outline as a railway track for my trains.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Racing Fever

Daddy & Me saw this mini track and decided to "burn some rubber"!
*think daddy need to explain to me what burning rubber really means*

So here i am, elevated, putting my hands on the steering wheel & throttle.

Crashed a few times...

Not bad for a first-timer...completed 13 laps all by myself (okok, Daddy helped me to reverse a few times when i crashed)
*think i need more training on Mario Kart*

Monday, September 8, 2008

First day of school & two panicky parents...

I was tossing & turning the whole night worrying about my baby first day of school. Finally its 6.30am... time to wakie!

Baby woke up bright and cheery, all ready for the new adventure ahead... Still, i reiterate like a jammed player about how fun and exciting school gonna be...

Haha... Mum was waiting even more anxiously than us at the bus stop!

Bus uncle came at abt 7.40am. Kaeden didn’t fuss at all when auntie carried him up the bus but he looked worried when he realised Daddy, Mummy and Grandma were not going to follow him. Before, we had a chance to regret, the bus left!

Suddenly stupid thoughts started popping in my head... Is that the right school bus? The uncle gonna send our son to school right? Not some kidnapper right? We hurriedly got into the car and rushed to school!

Waited like two suspicious character outside the school gate since 7.50am! Our neck stretched out as far as we could go the moment we saw any vechicle that looks like THE BUS...

And yes... Uncle Loy arrived at 8.37am... poor us! Happy to know that Kaeden enjoyed the bus ride and didn’t cry at all! *PROUD*

It was assembly for prayers first before going to class... Heard Kaeden crying, think he got scare by the huge crowd. He ran towards us the moment he was out from the hall and held on tightly to me.

I followed him to class and he settled down shortly... Heehee i sneaked out halfway from class for breakfast and only went to pick him up @ 11.30am. He seemed to be doing well when i peeped through the door before class end...

He was so happy to see us and refused to follow Uncle Loy to the school bus... We brought him home ourselves as we didn’t want to stress him up on the first day...

Tomorrow i will be sending him to school on my own... i pray hard that i wouldn't show Kaeden a weak Mummy... I want him to be able to depend on me for strength when he needed my presence...


By the way… today is also my birthday! We had a mini celebration after Kaeden woke up from his nap…

Thanks dear for the flowers and sumptuous dinner! Enjoy your night shift :P